These Symptoms May Indicate That You Have Sleep Apnea

April 3, 2019

Adequate sleep is essential for good mental and physical health, but what if you have a condition that keeps you from getting the rest you need each night? Sleep apnea is a very real and very common condition that affects more than 100 million people worldwide. Here’s what you should know about the sleep disorder […]

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Dangerous Side Effects of Sleep Apnea

August 10, 2018

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that occurs when the airway is blocked while a person is sleeping. There are different types of apnea – some of which are caused by the brain simply not sending signals, and others caused by blockage of the airway from the tongue or throat closing. The good news is […]

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The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

July 17, 2018

Sleep apnea in Fishers, IN is a sneaky condition that often goes undetected by those who have it. Since many of the most obvious symptoms (including snoring and gasping for air) occur at night while the affected person is sleeping, they are easy to overlook. Chronic sleep deprivation eventually causes daytime symptoms as well, so […]

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Summertime and Sleep Apnea Effects

July 6, 2018

Summer means longer days, more pollen in the air, and temperature changes that can make days up to forty degrees warmer than nights sometimes. All these factors can affect sleep disorders, especially serious ones like sleep apnea. When that happens, symptoms tend to escalate, and patients who are not currently being treated for the disorder […]

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Men’s Health Month: Talk About Sleep Apnea

June 14, 2018

June is an important month for many reasons. The weather hits its sunny stride and families start heading out on vacation during the break from school. June also happens to be Men’s Health Month, and Dr. Patrick Cieplak and our staff at Cieplak Dental Excellence in La Plata, MD feel it is important to address a […]

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